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Important Ready to Launch Update!


What is both the best and worst part of a roller coaster?

Those sneaky twist, turns, drops you totally don’t see coming. The ones that kick your stomach up into your mouth, blocking your throat so that even though your mouth is hanging open, the size of a cavern, screams cannot escape. The ones that give that terrifying feeling of veering off the tracks, but turn to a thrill when your mind understands that you are still safe, just on a new equally electrifying trajectory.


Turns out the world of writing and publishing is very similar. And, for someone like me that ponders each an every word as if it carries the weight of the work… For someone who only in the more recent years of her life has learned to love rollercoasters, to cede some control to those who specialize in areas I do not, to go with the flow, it can be daunting. Thrilling, but truly daunting at times.

So when, while working with some truly awesome people to flesh out a cover for my upcoming book, my publisher suggested I rethink the title (long story), I initially felt a rather large lump gather in my throat. Not that I was that attached to my original title. But it was there, decided, finalized in my mind. Something I didn’t have to think about anymore as I worked my way toward a published novel.

Clack, clack

I felt a sensation of panic. Thinking of titles is NOT one of my favorite parts of being an author. Sure, sometimes a title pops out at me … begs to be applied. But, for me that mostly happens for short stories or poems. A novel has so many twists and turns, so many moving parts. There are so many more things to consider: will I reveal too much with a certain title? Will the title have the right feel for the genre? Is it too long? Is it too short? And on and on and on. I rank choosing a title just below synopsis writing on my list of least favorite author things.

So, I briefly mourned the demise of my chosen title, then set to work. I thought about it. Listened to all the wonderful suggestions being thrown my way. Wrote down words that reminded me of the feel of the novel. Walked through Target randomly blurting out potential titles as I waited for the kids to get the things they needed (to the lady in the cracker aisle - really, I’m ok. Don’t worry). And in the end, one particular titled clicked. Yes, this one fit, had the right feel. We all agreed.

Without further ado, let me introduce to you the new title of my upcoming horror novel:

A Whisper in the Dark


And, very soon I will also be able to reveal the absolutely ominously gorgeous cover created for this novel by genius cover artist (and I mean that! He creates veritable works of art), Christian Bentulan ( Head on over to and you will see examples of his work, on the covers of some killer books!

Clack, clack

I can see the top of this climb now, and am ready to launch!

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